6 Apr 2014

holiday doodles ;)

This year I went back home in February for a little holiday, catching up with the family and enjoying winter time in Latvia. Took my little sketchbook with me and those doodles what happened. I got slightly obsessed by my Mums HUGE collection of Soviet china (cups, creamers, anything you can imagine). Also my family is full of obsessive tea drinkers. Cup of tea in the morning, before and after lunch and many many many cups of tea in the kitchen late in the evening, lots of talking and tea, more talking and tea, always way over the midnight. The best times ever! So no surprise the cups and tea theme ended up in my sketchbook.  And flowers of course, flowers. Because there is nothing I want more in the end of february than flowers and first signs of spring. :)

My Mum collected vintage cups, creamers, vases and other things for years until now, when she realised she has a little bit too much for a little flat where my parents live. So she is sharing her collection and passion here:

Where or when do you feel most creative?

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